Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
2 items | $20.00 | 17% off |
Alcon’s Systane Hydration UD is a preservative free lubricant eye drop. With a unique dual polymer formulation containing HP-Guar and hyaluronic acid, it acts as a ‘bandage’ to allow restoration of the damaged ocular surface.
Systane Hydration UD Eye drops are provided in disposable, sterile plastic ampules with a volume of 0.7 ml. Systane Hydration UD moisturizing eye drops contains sodium hyaluronate. Those eye drops relieve dry eye symptoms and provide temporary relief of burning and irritation due to dryness of the eye.
They may be used for daily moisturizing and lubrication during extended or disposable wear of silicone hydrogel and soft (hydrophilic) contact lenses.
Instructions for use:
Break off the upper part of the disposable ampoule by twisting it, release one or two drops in the eye and blink.
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