Quantity | Price per item | Discount |
2 items | $38.00 | 5% off |
100% soap-free and alkaline-free mild emollient formula is ideal for hair and scalp of babies and children. Gentle cleansing action minimize the risk of dryness or irritation due to the excellent skin tolerance. Extract of camomile recutita alleviates irritation and soothes the skin. Leaves hair fragrant, silky and easy to comb. Promotes healthy scalp for the growth of healthy hair. Free from colorants, nitro-musk compounds, formaldehyde, nitrosamines, dioxan and parabens.
Our ePharmacy is maintained by a small team of dedicated doctors who would advise the best and most cost-effective solutions to users. Unlike other online drug retailers, our main business is running clinical and consultation service.
The main aim of the ePharmacy is to improve customer experience to get over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and non-prescription drugs with ease.
For prescription items, please use our telemedicine consultation service.