Apipro® oral mouth spray, by creating a protective film, soothes irritated and inflamed throat and reduces irritation of the oral cavity. These are symptoms that often accompany certain urban living conditions, particularly air-conditioned rooms, and almost always cold from different origins (flu, viral infection). Spray creates a thin protective film that easily adheres to the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat. Glycerol contributes to a uniform dispersion of ingredients in layer that acts as barrier for harmful external agents (polluted air, air-conditioned rooms, microorganisms) and at the same time soothes the sore throat. Essential oil of peppermint corrects flavor of the spray in the mouth, leaving a pleasant feeling of freshness.
Instructions for use
Spray the Apipro® oral spray on the throat mucosa 2-3 times a day. Thus a protective film of the propolis extract and glycerol is formed.
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